Thursday, November 5, 2009


Isn't it funny how life seems to catch up to you? One minute you are out all night partying it up with friends and you blink and the next thing you know you're changing dirty diapers. I'm not complaining, I'm just wondering what exactly happened when I allowed myself to blink? What's more, I blink again and that tiny thing known as my daughter is 7 months old and almost crawling. It's awesome being a parent. No, not awesome as in "rad, dude!". Awesome as in "awe-inspiring" and such. As in, I've never been so proud, so humbled, and so happy. Not to mention busy, stressed, tired, and overwhelmed. I wouldn't have it any other way.

1 comment:

  1. Dear 8-bit,
    Work on optimal fetal positioning now via balancing your pelvis and esp releasing ligaments nad muscles to your sacrum and near it, hamstrings, piriformis, psoas, etc. Help your baby engage before labor starts, in teh LOA position, that's really important to you. Learn how to engage baby in labor if you need to yet have that happen. Do that before "inducing" or worrying about labor progress in any other way. Engagement first. Lunge at 4-5 cm facing forward with your leg diagonally to the side on a stool or chair, after the sidelying release of course. And be upright or leaning forward during pushing. Expect to take some time pushing and don't try to hurry it up at the beginning of pushing but let the strength of 2nd stage build before you exert yourself too much.
